Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I still need to post a blog on Matthew's growth and his last doctor visit, but one of the things I was told when we were there was that he could be allergic to dairy.  I was very skeptical of this and decided to finish off the last month on his normal formula before jumping to conclusions.  I would just change the soaps and lotions and adminster the Zyrtec for allergies and hope for the best.  Today I have changed my mind.  Last night I steamed some vegetables which I gave to Matthew before putting cheese on them for Eric and myself.  Today I gave Matthew the leftover vegetables.  Covered in cheese.  Which I let him feed to himself.  He joyfully scarfed them down.  And then I went to clean him up as he sat scratching feverishly.  His entire torso was red as were his hands.  I quickly bathed him and watch as tiny little hives broke out everywhere that the cheese had touched.  Needless to say, I will be exchanging his formula for soy and be praying that cutting out dairy will "cure" the eczema - because the Zyrtec and soaps and lotions haven't made any difference that I've noticed.  So frustrating.  But every time I get discouraged or frustrated that he has to deal with this, I remember that it could be so much worse and then I'm thankful that it's something so minor - and eventually fixable!


  1. Allergic to dairy? That's random...and sad! Cheese is so gooooooood....

  2. Another mother not wanting to listen to her doctor. Poor guy. I am so glad you have figured out what is causing the problem. Good to hear that Eric is reading so well.

  3. Dear anonymous - it's not that I didn't WANT to listen to the doctor. The food allergy thing was thrown out after I had been told to use a particular soap and lotion and he was prescribed Zyrtec for general allergies. He was being treated primarily for eczema. I did not want to switch all the soaps and use the Zyrtec AND switch out the formula at the same time because I wanted to eliminate one possibility at a time as opposed to jumping to conclusions. Please don't think that I would ignore doctor's advice at the expense of my child's health.

  4. Dairy is one of the most common childhood allergen. I think Sofia is actually sensitive to dairy that I eat. I think that it gets better. Fewer have the same problem as adults, at least according to my allergist.
